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Whole Young Duckling Grade “A” (4.50-5.00)

Whole Young Duckling Grade “A” (4.50-5.00)

Joe Jurgielewicz & Son All-Natural Pekin Ducks are grown locally on family owned farms.

Our flocks are raised free-roaming in large, temperature-controlled barns with a diet of corn, soybeans and well water, without antibiotics or hormones.

Our breeding methods result in a perfect meat-to-fat ratio, producing duck meat which is moist and flavorful.


Whole Young Duckling Grade “A” (4.50-5.00)


1 in stock

SKU: 710 Category:

Product Description

Joe Jurgielewicz & Son All-Natural Pekin Ducks are grown locally on family owned farms.

Our flocks are raised free-roaming in large, temperature-controlled barns with a diet of corn, soybeans and well water, without antibiotics or hormones.

Our breeding methods result in a perfect meat-to-fat ratio, producing duck meat which is moist and flavorful.

What you get: Whole Young Duckling Grade "A" (4.25-4.75)