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Kosher Organic Whole Turkey 10-12 Lb

Kosher Organic Whole Turkey 10-12 Lb

  1. The season’s best dinner ever! A whole bird, with the added moisture content from the pastured turkey. Bursting with flavor and an authentically elegant presentation, enjoy our whole turkey in a variety of sizes. Choose the size that suits your family best and rake in the compliments. Doubles, anyone?



Kosher Organic Whole Turkey 10-12 Lb

Price Per LB : $$10.80


3 in stock

SKU: 970020 Categories: ,

Product Description

  1. The season’s best dinner ever! A whole bird, with the added moisture content from the pastured turkey. Bursting with flavor and an authentically elegant presentation, enjoy our whole turkey in a variety of sizes. Choose the size that suits your family best and rake in the compliments. Doubles, anyone?


Contains 1 Cryovaced Turkey 10-12 lbs

Additional Information

Price Per LB


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